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Badge Info
ID Name Description Icon
1 Game Master This member is a GameMaster/DungeonMaster/StoryTeller in one of the games in forum.
2 Active Player This member is an Active Player in one of the games in forum.
3 Scribe This member records the annals with his/her wonderful literary grace.
4 OGamer This is an OGame Player
5 OG 3rd Missile Attacker Launched 20+ missile during 1 combat in OGame.
6 OG 2nd Missile Attacker Launched 40+ missile during 1 combat in OGame.
7 OG 1st Missile Attacker Launched 60+ missile during 1 combat in OGame.
8 OG Tactical 3rd Award Commanded multiple fleets during a winning battle in OG
9 OG Tactical 2nd Award Commanded multiple fleets during a winning battle in OG
10 OG Tactical 1st Award Commanded multiple fleets during a winning battle in OG
11 OG 3rd Invader the most aggresive member in KM union.
12 OG 2nd Invader the most aggresive member in KM union.
13 OG 1st Invader the most aggresive member in KM union.
14 Necroz Member an honorable member of Necroz Studio
15 Bug Tracker A bug tracker of Necroz Studio and Meshal Crs, thanks to him/her!
16 Architect Honor Those who participated in designing of MESHAL CRS shall earn this honor
17 Authorized Designer One who have this is an authorized designer of Campaign Set based on MESHAL CRS

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