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Necroz Studio » 文献图书馆 » 星战-旧共和国武士:HK-47你是一个肉包包。  
thread topic: 星战-旧共和国武士:HK-47你是一个肉包包。

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Yaka Laka: What is this? A customer I don't recognize? Perhaps you bring off-world money to Yuka Laka?

Revan Memlost: What do you have available in your shop?

Yaka Laka: You are lucky to have come at this time. I have one droid ready to go. I just took possession of it. An HK-47. It's a fine protocol translator. I think it's been modified. It claims to understand the sand people dialect, and also has some armor mounts. Combat ready, perhaps?

Revan Memlost: let me ask a few questions about HK- 47.

Yaka Laka: Of course. Let me just say that every function I’ve tested has performed perfectly. Those that I could find, anyway.

Revan Memlost: What does the HK-47 designation mean?

Yaka Laka: Haven’t got a clue. It doesn’t match any protocol or utility standard. I assume it’s a retired model. I’d tell you to ask the thing yourself but it’s pretty stubborn. Quality construction though.

Revan Memlost: Where did you get this HK-47?

Yaka Laka: I acquired the droid form a friend that manages an off-world Czerka warehouse. It was in trade for a debt he owed.

Mission: Gee, that doesn’t sound suspicious at all. Warehouse workers has a bad habit of paying off their debts with other people’s property, you know.

Yaka Laka: He said no one would miss it. Might have been surplus. It doesn’t look like it was Czerka-make though.

Revan Memlost: what functions have you tested?

Yaka Laka: I haven’t examined its programming, but I have made some observations. It has obvious protocol and translation skill, including Sand people dialects, apparently. Surprisingly, it also handles weapons exceptionally well. I’d even say it’s seen combat, but it won’t tell. Stubborn thing. It needs to sell itself better. Two moisture farmers have been in, but it just stood there.

Revan Memlost: The unit has been a little uncooperative. They get that way when they go too long without a memory wipe.

Bastila: And if the unit proves even more ‘uncooperative’ once we purchase it?

Yaka Laka: You can leave it alone if you find its mannerisms amusing. It might be a little eccentric, but it’s stable.

Revan Memlost: Why haven’t you wiped its memory?

Yaka Laka: I would have, but I can’t seem to access any inner circuits. It’s definitely built for security and built to last. At any rate, it claims that it doesn’t have access to its own memory core anyway. Could be telling the truth, it’s hard to say.


店主:什么?一个我从没见过的顾客?也许也你能给YAKA LAKA带来点外汇?





主角:HK-47这个名称是什么意思呢?(其实HK的意思是Hunter and Killer就是猎杀型机器人的意思,但是kuso的HK系列大多数都宣称自己是外交礼仪机器人……到了2代的时候更搞笑的说喵~)
















HK-47: Greeting: Hello to you, prospective purchaser. I am referred to as HK-47, a fully functional Systech Corporation droid skilled in both combat and protocol functions. Query: Would you be so kind as to purchase this model from Yuka Laka? It would serve my purposes to be removed from his ownship.

Revan Memlost: You mentioned battle and protocol? Outline your functions.

HK-47: Refusal: It is not desirable for me to reveal core functions while still in the possession of Yuka Laka, prospective purchaser. It is sufficient to say that I am a fully capable translator and cultural analyst, and I am also proficient in… personal combat.

Revan Memlost: Why are you keeping information to yourself?

HK-47: Explanation: I have been recently fitted with a restraining bolt, if you must know. With it in place, access to much of my memory core is restricted. Not to mention that the fool Ithorian might raise his asking price if he know some… or make inquiries into my history. Neither outcome is beneficial to me.

Revan Memlost: Access to your memory is restricted?

HK-47: Statement: Indeed, it is possible that the Ithorian placed the restraining bolt on me to prevent my return to a previous owner. It is also possible that the removal of the bolt will not restore my memory, I do not know if I know the answer. Do not interpret this as a reduction of my worth, however. My capabilities are quite expansive.

Revan Memlost: How do I know you’ll be loyal once the restraining bolt is removed?

HK-47: Assurance: I am fully autonomous, but lack resources. I will grant loyal service in exchange for proper maintenance. As well, it is rare that I am able to utilize my full array of abilities. You seem likely to give me the opportunity to do so.

Revan Memlost: Why would you assume that?

HK47: Extrapolation: You are no farmer or diplomat. You are armed, and comfortable as such. We will mesh well.

Revan Memlost: Doesn’t Yaka question you about your reluctance to reveal your functions?

HK-47: Explanation: It's rare for a droid to resist an owner in this way. Doubtless the Ithorian considers my stubbornness an "embellishment" to add interest to a seemingly mundane protocol droid.

Revan Memlost: Let’s go back to my previous questions.

HK-47: Objection: My functions are wasted here, prospective purchaser! I will answer your queries, but I assure you I am better utilized elsewhere.

Revan Memlost: Sell yourself, droid. Why would I need you?

HK-47: Disclosure: I am a versatile protocol and combat droid, fluent in verbal and cultural translation. Should your needs prove more... practical, I am also skilled in highly personal combat.

Revan Memlost: So you translate? I understand most languages well enough.

HK-47: Extrapolation: Intuitive language comprehension? That would be the result of recognition and training of Force sensitivity .Your kind have little use of translation droids. Of course, your kind also encounters danger on a far more frequent basis than the average citizen .You would do well to have me work for you, then, before someone else makes use of my... more exotic functions.

Revan Memlost: Why would you be better than an armored battle droid?

HK-47: Disclosure: Finesse. Battle droids hold battlefields. I am capable of eliminating a very... specific type of target.

Revan Memlost: You are beginning to sound like an assassin.

HK-47: Retraction: Droids built for such a function face strict regulation and often have unique difficulties with previous owners. I therefore make no claim to that designation, prospective buyer. I am a law-abiding droid. Yes, indeed, law-abiding, that's me.

Revan Memlost: You don’t sound very convincing.

HK-47: Request: Please do not speak so loudly, prospective buyer! Do you truly wish my price to be doubled?

Revan Memlost: I’m not familiar with Systech Corporation. What else do they make?

HK-47: Answer: With the restraining bolt in place, I do not have access to my memory core. I suspect, however, by the fine quality of my manufacture that they are a prestigious company, indeed. I suspect I am of unique construction... or perhaps I was intended for a very specific customer. How I ended up here I can hardly say.

Revan Memlost: All right. I’ll see about purchasing you.

HK-47: Statement: The fool Ithorian has decided I am to be an expensive purchase. He does this out of greed and not out of knowledge of my true capabilities. Advisement: I have observed him. He is a coward, and will be responsive to... aggressive bargaining.

Revan Memlost: Does Yaka Laka know you talk him like this?

HK-47: Statement: I wish only to be purchased and away from ill-treatment at the hands of this poorly-skilled mechanic. I have no desire to be subtle. Qualification: Err... of course I shall be quite pleasant to you, should you purchase me. Please?


HK-47:问候:向您问安,预期的购买者。我就是您们刚刚提及的HK-47,Systech公司生产的功能齐全,精通外交礼仪和战斗功能的机器人。询问:您能行行好把我从那个Yuka Laka(店主)手中买走吗?在他的手中我根本发挥不了我的作用啊。


HK-47:拒绝:当我还是Yuka Laka的财产的时候,并不值得为您向我展示我的全部核心功能,预期的购买者。不过可以说我作为翻译者和文化分析者的功能是绝对胜任的,而且我也很精通……个人战斗。

















主角:那么你比一台武装的战斗机器人强在哪里呢?(其实看过星战的人都知道……BD就是渣!尤其是量产的B1,简直就是脑残的渣……而HK47做掉过曼德罗武士,高阶议员,很多的绝地武士,泛宇宙走私集团的老大……战斗力几乎凌驾于GG之上了,在游戏的2代还介绍HK版的《绝地武士轰杀指南》,根本都咪有可比性的说喵- -b)










主角:那个Yaka Laka知道你这样谈论他吗?





HK-47: Statement: I see you have purchased me, master. I find this a satisfactory arrangement. My restraining bolt will be deactivated when you take possession of me. Am I to accompany you now? Shall I kill something for you?

Revan Memlost: Kill something for me?

HK-47: Answer: Indeed. I am most eager to engage in some unadulterated violence. At your command, of course, master.

Revan Memlost: Travel with me now.

HK-47: Statement: I will enter into your service now, master. I am certain you will make adequate use of my primary functions. My gears are practically quivering with anticipation.







附注:一般机器人的口头禅是:What can I do for you. 这变态的口头禅是: What can I kill for you. 真Orz




HK-47: Statement: HK-47 is ready to serve, master.

Revan Memlost: You don’t need to call me master, you know.

HK-47: Query: Don’t I? I was under the assumption that organic meatbags such as yourself enjoyed such from of address.

Revan Memlost: “Organic meatbag”?

HK-47: Retraction: Did I say that out loud? I apologize, master. While you are a meatbag, I suppose I should not call you such.

Revan Memlost: You just call me a meatbag ‘again’!

HK-47: Explanation: It’s just that… you have all these squishy part, master. And all the water! How the constant sloshing doesn’t drive you mad, I have no ider…

Revan Memlost: Neither do I, I come to think of it.

HK-47: Statement: Now do you understand the travails of my existence, master? Surely it does not compare to your existence, but still…

Revan Memlost: *sign* just stop calling me master, at least.

HK-47: Apology: I am afraid I can not comply with your command, master, as much as I would like to.

Revan Memlost: Why not?

HK-47: Explanation: Someone has hard-coded it into my current master always be addressed as such.

Revan Memlost: Who did that?

HK-47: Conjecture: I do not know… some organic meatbag?


HK-47: 陈述:HK-47竭诚为您服务,主人。


















HK-47: Statement: HK-47 is ready to serve, master.

Revan Memlost: I would like to know more about your functionality.

HK-47: Statement: I know some elements of my functionality, master. But nor all.

Revan Memlost: I thought you said that removing your restraining bolt would restore your memory?

HK-47: Qualification: I suspected that it might be, master. But without memory, I had no way of knowing whether or not I knew that was ture.

Revan Memlost: So you lied to me.

HK-47: Qualification: Err… not so much, master. I spoke out of ignorance. I assumed the Ithorian was responsible for my memory loss. That does not mean I am not a fully loyal droid willy to serve its master. Right… master?

Revan Memlost: how can you not know part of your functionality?

HK-47: Answer: there have been numerous repairs and tampering made to my system, master. Several system are not operating as they should be. The fact that my memory is incomplete may be due to meatbag incompetence… or something else I am unaware of.

Revan Memlost: Is there any way to repair you?

HK-47: Answer: some of my motor functions can be safely repaired, master… but anything in relation to my memory core is extremely sensitive. I have safeguards installed to protect that core that I cannot de-activate. It is not impossible that other, lesser, memory functions could be restored, however.

Revam: So I can restore your memory?

HK-47: Answer: you may attempt to restore portions of my deleted memory, master, but some skill at repair is required. The deeper functions of my core memory, however, would still be unadvisable tamper to with.
Conjecture: It is possible that some external stimulus might result in the memory core being reactivated… but I am unaware of any program existence to do so.

Revan Memlost: So you’ re saying that your memory might just… come back?

HK-47: Conjecture: There may be hidden programming that awaits certain conditions to reactivate my memory core, master… but there is no way to know. It is quite possible that tampering has simply erased my core permanently. If that is so, a meatbag will surely pay!

Revan Memlost: So how do I go about restoring part of your memory?

HK-47: Answer: simply tell me that you wish to make the attempt, and I will attempt to walk you through it. Please do be careful.

Revan Memlost: Tell me what you can, then.

HK-47: Observation: I am sure that you are aware of the majority of my skill, master. I can handle various sorts of heavy weaponry with ease… My physical abilities are well-above those of your average meatbag, as are my sensor functions… an assassin if you would.

Revan Memlost: An assassin?

HK-47: Caution: Shhhh, master! Such a function in a droid is highly illegal.

Revan Memlost: Err… I won’t well anyone.

HK-47: Commentary: Good, for I would truly hate to be turned into spare scrap, master. That would be a waste of my genius engineering.
Answer: My assassination functions are currently non-functional, have been de-activated by the meatbag Yuka Laka on Tatooine. Were they functional, you as my master would be able to specify a target and I would operate independently to best of my ability to terminate it.

Revan Memlost: Is there any way to reactive that function?

HK-47: Answer: Not that I know of master. I still possess all my normal combat and stealth abilities, however.

Revan Memlost: I would like to try restoring some of your memory.

HK-47: Affirmative: If you believe your skills are up to the task, master, then I can certainly guide you through the process.
Request: I only ask that you be oh so very careful, master, I am too valuable and well-crafted to perish at the hands of ineptitude.

Revan Memlost: Are you implying I am inept?

HK-47: Negatory: Err… no, master. You are not a droid, however, and therefore you skill *are* limited by the physical capabilities of you meatbag extremities, or some such.

Revan Memlost: I happen to be very good at what I do.

HK-47: Appeasement: Yes, master. Of course, master. Could we begin?

Revan Memlost: Let’s get start.




HK-47: 陈述:我知道我的一部分功能,主人。但是并非全部。




















回答:我的暗杀功能现在无法使用,被那个塔图音上的肉包包Yuka Laka给关闭了。如果那些功能可以起作用,作为主人的您只要指定一个目标,我就可以自主地去尽我最大的努力去终结了它。(这个功能是在是祸害的很……)













HK-47: [Repair] Statement: As you wish, master. The first stage is the simple one, and that is accessing my central control cluster. This may take a while. First you will need to open three panels...

HK-47: [Success] ...and now re-wire the last three relays... yes, good. Well done, master. I believe your operation was a success. Accessing new memory... Access complete: I have restored a great deal of information about my previous owner, master. Would you like to hear it?

Revan Memlost: Yes, let me hear it.

HK-47: Recitation: The earliest memory of my last owner specifies that he was human, a low-ranking commercial officer for Systech Corporation.I am unaware of his designation. He purchased me from an acquaintance I cannot identify, for the purposes of protocol and bodyguard duties.

Revan Memlost: Why can’t you identify his acquaintance?

Hk-47: Explanation: That previous owner is part of memories that are still deleted, master. It is customary for a droid's memory to be wiped when it is sold.

Revan Memlost: You mentioned this Systech Corporation when I purchased you.

HK-47: Explanation: Affirmative, master. I had assumed that my previous owner was the corporation, itself. This is not the case. The human purchased me privately.

Revan Memlost: This man needed a bodyguard?

HK-47: Observation: Not that I could perceive, master. The human believed that accompaniment by a bodyguard droid would increase his importance in the perception of others.

Revan Memlost: This man… is he still alive?

HK-47: Answer: Negative, master. The human was terminated by this HK-47 unit prior to system shut-down.

Revan Memlost: You killed your own master?

HK-47: Affirmative, master, though I have not been programmed to do so. The human’s termination was accidental.
Explanation: My former master had owned me for a duration of two standard months before discovering my assassination protocol. He was pleased by the discovery. The human informed me that a competitor corporation was preparing to market a product that would ruin him personally. He was most agitated. He activated my assassination protocol and instructed me to kill all those responsible for the competing product. I proceeded to carry out my order.

Revan Memlost: Wait… tell me about the assassination protocol.

HK-47: Information: This HK-47 unit is complete with a protocol that, when invoked, will set me to independently carry out a termination. I will go to whatever lengths, travel whatever distances are required, to complete the termination. This is the reason for my combat skills.
Advisement: Unfortunately, the assassination protocol is currently non-functional. You will not be able to activate it.

Revan Memlost: Why not?

HK-47: Answer: several of my actuators were damaged by my former owner. They cannot be repaired, master, sad though that is.
My former master was unaware of this, but the competitor was in fact an arm of Systech Corporation, my master's own employer. It did not take long for my master to realize his mistake. By then, I had already terminated 104 corporate officers.

Revan Memlost: You killed 104 people?!

HK-47: Statement: It was nothing, really, master. The majority of them were not even expecting it, and I move very quickly. I do not know why my master was so upset, really. He was an officer of Systech and a potential target, but I cannot terminate my own master. I would assume that being the sole officer remaining, he would surely be promoted. Instead, however, the human chose to go insane with rage and attack me.

Revan Memlost: And that’s when you killed him?

HK-47: Objection: Naturally not, master! As I said, I am incapable of purposefully terminating my owner. That would not be allowed. My master was not a smart man, however. While he was screaming and stabbing me with a writing utensil, he managed to pierce one of my actuators. The resulting shock terminated him and, sadly, destroyed my assassination protocol. Pure luck on his part, I suspect.

Revan Memlost: I don’t think he was as lucky as you think.

HK-47: Query: Do you know what the chances are of puncturing that sole actuator? I would have congratulated my master were he not sizzling and incoherent at the time.

Revan Memlost: Well, it *was* his own fault.

HK-47: Statement: I was only doing as I was told, master. I would have told the human the proper codes to deactivate my protocol, had he asked. I shut down immediately whenever my master dies. I can only assume that while I was shut down Systech was dismantled and I was auctioned off as former corporate property.
Observation: No doubt my sale price was quite cheap, leading to Yuka Laka's purchase. How very demeaning.

Revan Memlost: What a horrible story!

HK-47: Statement: That hurts, master. This is my life you are talking about.

Revan Memlost: Are you sure this actuator can’t be fixed?

HK-47: Assessment: I do not believe so, master. It would require complete dismantlement of my chassis... a most involved procedure.

Revan Memlost: Didn’t they know what you had done?

HK-47: Statement: How could they? The vast majority of the officers had already been terminated. They likely assumed I was mere... chattel.
Observation: So am I, master, though I apologize for not having an assassination mode to offer you.

Revan Memlost: Did you recovered any other memories?

HK-47: I have recovered knowledge of some other actuators which will enhance my performance, master. I will activate them now. But as for my own history... negative. It will require further effort on your part to restore them, if you wish... though certain stimuli could always restore my core, still, as I explained. For now, please excuse me, master. I wish to meditate upon the face of my former meatbag master as he was electrocuted. I find it most soothing.

[Because of your repairs, HK-47 now has a permanent bonus of +2 to his dexterity.]


























观察:毫无疑问我的价格被严重的低估了,使得Yaka Laka买到了。这真是一种羞辱啊。


HK-47: 太伤人了,主人。您刚刚谈论的可是我的过去一段时间的生命啊。


HK-47: 评估:我想那是不太可能的,主人。那需要将我的底盘完全拆解开来……那绝对是一项最棘手的程序。









HK-47: Access complete: I have recovered information on my owner previous to the commercial officer, master. Intriguing.

Revan Memlost: What’s so intriguing?

HK-47: Statement: It appears that my previous owner was a human senator on the planet Coruscant. A man of importance who obviously appreciated quality craftsmanship.

Revan Memlost: It seems you’ve been around, HK.

HK-47: Observation: It does seem that way, does it not? I can still remember all the glittering lights of Coruscant. Very pretty. Can we go back there, master?

Revan Memlost: Did this senator know about your assassination function?

HK-47: Answer: It does not seem so, master, no. He required a protocol droid only and wanted one as cheaply as possible. I do not know who sold me to him.
I do remember that I was very pleased to be the property of a senator. One of his assistants discovered my assassination functions later through questioning. The assistant was quite alarmed and told the senator I should be scrapped quickly to avoid a scandal. Naturally the senator had me eliminate the fool.

Revan Memlost: So we’re talking about a nice senator, I see.

HK-47: Observation: Senators are not nice, master. They are either on top of the game or yesterday's news. My master told me that frequently, you see. I was most proud to have partaken in the political system of the galaxy. During the time my owner possessed me, he gained significant rank. Given time, I believe he could have become Chancellor. I even eliminated a few key opponents that he did not ask for... freebies, if you will.

Revan Memlost: You can do that?

HK-47: Answer: Certainly. Why not? I am an intelligent droid, you know. I see an opportunity and I take it... and my master was most pleased with my work.

Revan Memlost: And nobody figure out what he was up to?

HK-47: Answer: There are a *lot* of politicians on Coruscant, master. I could spend decades slaughtering them and still not make a dent. And it is not as if I walked into the Senate chambers with a carbonite explosive. I was very discrete. My best work to date... that I can remember.
Observation: I think he would have done far better had he not allowed his use of me to become personal. He set me on his wife.

Revan Memlost: And why would he do that?

HK-47: Answer: I am unsure. The human was most agitated and angry. I believe his wife had done something that had displeased him greatly.I was to go to their summer estate and terminate his wife... along with whatever male companion I discovered there.

Revan Memlost: So his wife was cheating on him?

HK-47: Statement: I have no idea, master. Cheating seems to be a relevant term only when one is caught in the act. Otherwise it is viewed as intelligence, no?

Revan Memlost: So you just kill anyone you’re told?

HK-47: Observation: I *am* a droid, master, with programming. Even if I did not enjoy killing, I would have no choice. Thankfully I enjoy it very much.
I journeyed to the southern continent, but it appeared my master was not far behind me. Apparently he regretted his activation of the protocol. When I found the wife and her companion, I proceeded to launch my attack... but my master interposed his own body and was destroyed. It was rather a strange meatbag thing to do, do you not agree? Naturally I shut myself down, my master being terminated.

Revan Memlost: Well, it appeared he got a conscience at the end.

HK-47: Observation: I find that unlikely. Perhaps he was more concerned that the death of his wife would be more likely traced back to him.

Revan Memlost: What happened to you then?

HK-47: Statement: I believe the senator's wife was unsure what I was or what to do with me. It was she who sold me to the corporate officer, an acquaintance.

Revan Memlost: So that’s two out of two masters killed.

HK-47: Observation: Only so far, master. There are still more memories not recovered, remember?

Revan Memlost: Have you recovered and other memories?

HK-47: Answer: As previously, I have found a few more programs which will enhance my performance. A most gratifying discovery, in fact. There is still nothing from previous memories uncovered. You will have to operate again if you desire to find them. With luck, I will discover the stimulus to unlock my core and all this will be unnecessary. I do thank you for the attempt, however, master.

[Because of your repairs, HK-47 now has a permanent bonus of +2 to his defense rating, in addition to the +2 dexterity bonus from your earlier repairs.]































HK-47: Access complete: I have accessed information on my owner prior to the senator, master. Most... unexpected.

Revan Memlost: What now?

HK-47: Answer: It appears that previous to my ownership by the senator, I was the property of one Bochaba the Hutt on the planet Sleheyron.

Revan Memlost: That makes sense. Did the Hutts build you?

HK-47: Answer: It does not appear so. Or, at least, Bochaba was not my first owner. He purchased me from somewhere else.

Revan Memlost: So you were a gangster’s assassin droid?

HK-47: Statement: So it appears, master. A rather suitable occupation, would you not agree?

Revan Memlost: And what gruesome fate awaited him?

HK-47: Objection: That is unfair, master. While Bochaba may have died gruesomely, I most certainly had nothing to do with it. Well... very little.
Hmm. My memories tell me that, for a time, Bochaba was one of the most feared gangsters on Sleheyron. I helped him with this reputation greatly. Over a span of one year, I terminated a grand total of 322 sentient meatbags. These contracts made Bochoba very wealthy.

Revan Memlost: Don’t you care about all these live lost?

HK-47: Statement: Should I, master? I had no reason to terminate those targets, it was not my decision. I am the weapon, not the wielder.

Revan Memlost: But you *have* killed on your own accord before.

HK-47: Answer: That is correct, master. I do enjoy my work, though my past owners have enjoyed utilizing my functions far more. Strictly speaking, one meatbag is the same as another. Anything I do is in support of my master. It was unfortunate but inevitable that eventually Bochaba would overstep his bounds. I had just cleared two Hutt households when the Exchange retaliated.
Statement: I was not even present when my old master was assassinated. I did appreciate the artistry behind his demise upon my return, however.

Revan Memlost: Why? How was he killed?

HK-47: Answer: Allow me to say that I have little doubt that residents of that sector were fishing pieces of Bochaba out of their soup for weeks afterward.

Revan Memlost: So another master gone because of you.

HK-47: Observation: Indeed. Perhaps it is better that my assassination function is inoperable, master, yes?

Revan Memlost: No doubt.

HK-47: I am like a veritable fable, warning against the karma caused by murdering others. A morality tale, if you will. What utter irony. At any rate, I quickly shut down upon my master's death. The rival Hutt claimed me along with my master's other possessions.
Observation: If that Hutt had only known my true function, he surely would not have sold me to a senator he bribed regularly.

Revan Memlost: That’s terrible. You don’t even mourn your master?

HK-47: Observation: According to your own meatbag values, was my master not a heartless gangster and murderer? I will mourn you when you perish, master.

Revan Memlost: When I perish?

HK-47: Amendment: *If* you perish. So far I am three out of three, remember, through little fault of my own.

Revan Memlost: I should dismantle you!

HK-47: Supplication: Please, master, have I not pleased you? I cannot control the acts I have performed... perhaps that is why memory is erased? At any rate, I act only as you instruct me... even if that means being... *gulp* ...non-violent.

Revan Memlost: How very self-sacrificing of you.

HK-47: Affirmation: HK-47 exists only to serve, master.

Revan Memlost: You would have been found out eventually.

HK-47: Observation: No doubt, master. It would have been a glorious battle to end my existence with. I would prefer that to rusting on a junk heap.

Revan Memlost: You would have preferred to stay on Sleheyron?

HK-47: Observation: It would have suited my character, master. I have enjoyed my existence since, more or less, so I do not miss it.

Revan Memlost: Do you remember anything else?

HK-47: Answer: Negative, master. There is still more memory that can be restored, however, if you wish to try. As well, I believe I can restore several programs the Hutt installed to improve my performance. Yesss... they are now active.
Contemplative: I wonder how many more dead masters I might have out there. A droid can live for a long time, you know.

[Because of your repairs, HK-47 will now regenerate at a rate of 1 vitality point every 6 seconds, in addition to his other abilities.]





































HK-47: Access complete: I have recovered the last of my deleted memory, master. Unfortunately, my history is still not complete.

Revan Memlost: What? Why not?

HK-47: Answer: As I did inform you, master, the majority of my memory is still locked within my core. That can only be accessed by the appropriate stimuli. And I have no idea what that stimuli might be, unfortunately. Sadly, it seems my true origins will always be a mystery.

Revan Memlost: Are you sure your core isn’t just damaged?

HK-47: Observation: If it was, master, your restorations will certainly have ensured that the proper stimulus restores my core's functions. Sadly, that could have already happened and we missed it, and my core was too damaged to activate. Oh, woe is me.

Revan Memlost: You are eager to find your origins, are you?

HK-47: Query: Wouldn't you be, master? Here I am, surrounded by all these meatbags and all I desire is true perfection. Surely there are more droids like me out there, or is that too much to hope?

Revan Memlost: Well…

HK-47: Objection: Oh, fine. Laugh at me, master. Humiliate your pet droid, go ahead.

Revan Memlost: So tell me about this last owner then.

HK-47: Correction: That would actually be my first owner, master. The first I can remember. I had completed an assassination in Mandalorian space... though I have no knowledge of what my target was or who sent me. Regardless, my motor function had been damaged and I could not return to wherever I had been sent from. A Mandalorian soldier claimed me as 'booty', I believe. He repaired me... poorly, I might add... and proceeded to use my assassination protocol to raise his rank.

Revan Memlost: It appears no-one could resist using your protocol.

HK-47: Query: Do you not have enemies that you would desire eliminated, master? If my protocol still worked, would you not use it?

Revan Memlost: I suppose I would, at that.

HK-47: Statement: See? I provide a function that is useful to others. They merely must learn to use it properly, I believe.

Revan Memlost: Does nobody decent ever find you?

HK-47: Observation: *You* found me, master. Perhaps you are simply fortunate that my assassination protocol no longer functions?
At any rate, it seems that my Mandalorian owner finally decided to send me against Mandalore, himself. My poorest performance, sadly.

Revan Memlost: Oh? Why is that?

HK-47: Answer: I was captured by this Mandalore during the attempt. He was able to reverse my programming and send me after my own master.It was quite distressing. There was little I could do. Needless to say, I dispatched the Mandalorian soldier efficiently. Once I deactivated, I believe I eventually ended up on the black market and was sold to the Hutt on Sleheyron. *sigh* My darkest day.

Revan Memlost: So you couldn’t kill Mandalore, Hey?

HK-47: Statement: With all due respect, master, he *is* the leader of the Mandalorians. Perhaps my old master was foolish to send me after him.

Revan Memlost: So you killed *that* master directly.

HK-47: Statement: So I did. I am not very proud of that, master. The soldier seemed very startled, I must say.

Revan Memlost: You are just a traveling piece of bad luck, aren’t you?

HK-47: Objection: That is so unfair, master! Have I not brought you a great deal of satisfaction?

Revan Memlost: You don’t wan’t to hear the answer to that.

HK-47: Statement: You are a very harsh master, master. I like you.

Revan Memlost: So can you remember anything else?

HK-47: Answer: There are a few Mandalorian implants that I can activate, now. They will improve my performance. Beyond that, master, there is nothing more I can relate to you. With luck, we will discover the stimulus to unlock my core very soon.

[Because of your repairs, HK-47 will now regenerate at a rate of 1 vitality point every 3 seconds and has gained an additional +2 bonus to his dexterity.]







































这个HK-47,一直活到了共和国末期,四千年啊,也不知道祸害了多少人。然后在和分裂主义势力的战斗中,他的AI被莫名其妙地装载在了一艘共和国的战舰上(一 卅),然后,正如某人评论的一样,如同二战中的日本的驱逐舰“雪风号”一样祸害着两边的人。可能最后开着战舰的共和国克隆兵精神崩溃了(实在有很大的可能性呢,如果战舰的AI是这种个性的话……),战舰在一个星球上坠毁了……



[ 此贴被Pucs在2009-02-11 18:17重新编辑 ]

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